Using VoidRender

Quick start

A summary checklist for installing and running VoidRender.

  • Clone the GitHub repository

  • Navigate to VAST and run:

    python install

    See Installation for installation options.

  • Navigate to the example_scripts directory and modify visualize_voids_[algorithm].py if appropriate. Parameters to edit might include:

    • Void file name(s) sent into viz.load_void_data

    • Galaxy catalog file name sent into viz.load_galaxy_data

    • etc.

  • Run your script (visualize_voids_[algorithm].py) on your machine.

Example scripts

Included in the VAST repository (VAST/example_scripts/) is, a working example script for how to run VoidRender to visualize the voids found with VoidFinder in a given catalog.

Also included in the VAST repository (VAST/example_scripts/) is, a working example script for how to run VoidRender to visualize the voids found with V2 in a given catalog. Note: V2 must be run with the -v option to produce output needed for the visualization.

Visualize voids

The easiest way to use VoidRender is to create a script that

  1. Reads in the output from a VAST void-finding algorithm and the corresponding galaxy catalog within which the voids were located.

  2. Defines various visualization aesthetics (void color, etc.).

  3. Generates an interactive 3D visualization of the voids and galaxies.

Examples of this script are the visualize_voids_[algorithm].py files, located in the example_scripts directory within VAST. What follows is a breakdown of this script, explaining the various options and functions called.


Due to differences in the void structures found by each of the different void-finding algorithms implemented in VAST, there is an implementation of VoidRender that corresponds to each algorithm.

1. Reading in the data

Generally, the first functions that should be called in a script running VoidRender are load_galaxy_data and load_void_data:

from vast.voidfinder.viz import load_galaxy_data, load_void_data

for VoidFinder, or:

from vast.vsquared.viz import load_galaxy_data, load_void_data

for V2. These functions read a galaxy catalog and a void catalog into memory (as numpy.ndarray objects), respectively. These load functions are provided as convenient utilities to access the VAST outputs.

The output from load_galaxy_data is a numpy.ndarray object containing the Cartesian coordinates of the objects in the input catalog.

The outputs from load_void_data are:

  • The Cartesian coordinates of the centers of the void holes (VoidFinder) or the vertices of triangles making up void edges (V2) as a numpy.ndarray object

  • The radii of the void holes (VoidFinder) or the Cartesian components of each void edge triangle’s unit normal vector (V2)

  • ID values for the void holes (VoidFinder) or void ID values for the triangles (V2)


If you want to draw lines connecting the wall galaxies to each other (as shown in Figure 1: VoidRender visualization of the output from SDSS_DR7.), the field and wall galaxies must be loaded into memory as separate objects.

2. Visualization aesthetics

Void color

The default behavior of VoidRender is to color all voids the same color (blue). It is possible to change this color and/or assign different voids different colors.

To change the colors of the voids, set the void_hole_color keyword in VoidRender. To set all voids to a single color, provide a single RGB\(\alpha\) array. To set different colors for the voids, provide an array of shape (\(N_{voids}\),4), where \(N_{voids}\) corresponds to the number of unique void IDs in the holes_group_IDs keyword. The number of holes may be different than the number of voids.

Galaxy color and size

The default behavior of VoidRender is to color all galaxies the same color (red). It is possible to change this color, or to color field and wall galaxies differently (in VoidFinder).

To change the color of the galaxies (or the field galaxies), set the galaxy_color keyword of VoidRender to a single RGB\(\alpha\) array. If a separate list of wall galaxy coordinates is provided (VoidFinder only), their display color can be set in a similar manner using the wall_galaxy_color keyword in VoidRender. The lines connecting the wall galaxies will also be drawn in this same color.

The largest size of the galaxy points can be set using the galaxy_display_radius keyword in VoidRender; the default is 2. The size of the galaxies can be dynamically changed with the mouse scroll wheel while in VoidRender.

Sphere surface resolution

(VoidFinder only)

VoidRender renders the surfaces of the spheres as a set of triangles. The depth of triangularization can be altered using the SPHERE_TRIANGULARIZATION_DEPTH keyword in VoidRender. An increased depth will result in a smoother surface, but rendering higher resolutions will take longer because the number of triangles increases exponentially with this value. A value of 3 (default) generates 1280 triangles for each sphere; a value of 4 would generate 15,360 triangles for each sphere.

3. Visualizing voids

To generate the interactive window within which the voids and galaxies are displayed, import the VoidRender class:

from vast.voidfinder.viz import VoidRender

Then, initialize the VoidRender object with the galaxy array(s), void array, and additional parameters (see Section 2. Visualization aesthetics for details):

viz = VoidRender(...)

Finally, generate the interactive window:

Now that the interactive window has started, the camera view can be controlled using typical WASD-like controls. For full reference of all keyboard controls, see VoidRender and/or VoidRender.