VoidRender API

VoidRender for VoidFinder



Load a table of galaxies for use in VoidRender


path to desired data file intended to be an astropy table output from VoidFinder with columns ‘ra’, ‘dec’, ‘redshift’, and possibly ‘Rgal’

galaxy_data_xyznumpy.ndarray shape (N,3)

xyz coordinates of galaxies from the data table



Load voids as formatted for VoidFinder


path to desired data file

holes_xyznumpy.ndarray shape (N,3)

the xyz centers of the holes

holes_radiinumpy.ndarray shape (N,)

the radii of the holes

hole_flagsnumpy.ndarray shape (N,)

the VoidFinder ‘flag’ output representing which void group a hole belongs to


vast.voidfinder.viz.VoidRender.__init__(self, holes_xyz=None, holes_radii=None, holes_group_IDs=None, galaxy_xyz=None, galaxy_display_radius=2.0, wall_galaxy_xyz=None, wall_distance=3.5, remove_void_intersects=1, filter_for_degenerate=True, canvas_size=(800, 600), title='VoidFinder Results', camera_start_location=None, camera_start_orientation=None, start_translation_sensitivity=1.0, start_rotation_sensitivity=1.0, galaxy_color=array([1., 0., 0., 1.], dtype=float32), wall_galaxy_color=array([0., 0., 0., 1.], dtype=float32), void_hole_color=array([0., 0., 1., 0.95], dtype=float32), SPHERE_TRIANGULARIZATION_DEPTH=3, verbose=False)

Main class for initializing the visualization.

holes_xyz(N,3) numpy.ndarray

xyz coordinates of the hole centers

holes_radii(N,) numpy.ndarray

length of the hole radii in xyz coordinates

holes_group_IDs(N,) numpy.ndarray of integers

Void group to which a given hole belongs according to VoidFinder

galaxy_xyz(M,3) numpy.ndarray

xyz coordinates of the galaxy locations


using a constant radius to display galaxy points since they should all be small compared to the void holes, and they don’t have corresponding radii

wall_galaxy_xyz(K,3) numpy.ndarray

xyz coordinates of the wall galaxy locations


xyz distance at which to connect two wall galaxies with a web visualization. This should be set to the isolated galaxy distance limit calculated in VoidFinder (and printed to the terminal).

remove_void_intersectsint, default 1

0 - turn off 1 - remove all intersections 2 - remove intersections only within predefined Void Groups based on hole_group_IDs turn on (True) or off (False) the clipping of display triangles for void interiors. When true, removes all the triangles of a void hole sphere which are fully contained inside another void hole, which essentially creates a surface union of void holes which overlap. Note that for smaller sphere density values, the edge artifacts along the seams where void holes intersect will be more visually apparent

filter_for_degeneratebool, default True

if true, filter the holes_xyz and holes_radii for any holes which are completely contained within another hole and remove them


(width, height) in pixels for the output visualization


value to display at top of the window

camera_start_locationndarray of shape (3,) dtype float32

starting location for the camera. Remember to multiply by -1.0 to go from data coordinates to camera coordinates example: np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32)

camera_start_orientationndarray of shape (3,3) dtype float32

rotation matrix describing initial camera orientation example: np.eye(3, dtype=np.float32)


starting sensitivity for translation keys - wasdrf


starting sensitivity for rotation keys - qeijkl

galaxy_colorndarray shape (4,) dtype float32

values from 0.0-1.0 representing RGB and Alpha for the galaxy points

wall_galaxy_colorndarray shape (4,) dtype float32

values from 0.0-1.0 representing RBG and Alpha for the wall galaxy points

void_hole_colorndarray shape (4,) or (num_void,4) dtype float32

values from 0.0-1.0 representing RGB and Alpha for the voids

void_highlight_colorndarray shape (4,) dtype float32

values from 0.0-1.0 representing RGB and Alpha for the void highlight, when the camera enters a void hole it turns the hole this color so you know you are inside IF enable_void_interior_highlight == True


number of subdivisions in the icosahedron sphere triangularization to make. Total vertices will be num_voids * 20 * 3 * 4^SPHERE_TRIANGULARIZATION_DEPTH so be careful increasing this value above 3. Default of 3 results in 3840 vertices (1280 triangles) per sphere



w - translate forward s - translate backward a - translate left d - translate right r - elevate up f - elevate down

q - roll left e - roll right i - pitch up k - pitch down j - yaw left k - yaw right

z - increase translation sensitivity x - decrease translation sensitivity

m - start/stop video recording NOTE: MAY TAKE A LOT OF RAM 0 - screenshot

Left mouse click - pitch & yaw Right mouse click - translate forward & backward Mouse Wheel - increase & decrease galaxy size


from vast.voidfinder.viz import VoidRender, load_void_data, load_galaxy_data

holes_xyz, holes_radii, holes_flags = load_void_data(“vollim_dr7_cbp_102709_holes.txt”)

galaxy_data = load_galaxy_data(“vollim_dr7_cbp_102709.dat”)

viz = VoidFinderCanvas(holes_xyz,

holes_radii, galaxy_data, canvas_size=(1600,1200))


VoidRender for V2



Load a table of galaxies for use in VoidRender


path to desired data file intended to be a fits table with columns ‘ra’, ‘dec’, and ‘z’

galaxy_data_xyznumpy.ndarray shape (N,3)

xyz coordinates of galaxies from the data table


vast.vsquared.viz.load_void_data(infilename1, infilename2)[source]

Load voids as formatted for Vsquared


path to desired _triangles.dat data file


path to desired _galviz.dat data file

voids_tri_x, _y, _znumpy.ndarrays shape (N,3)

the xyz coordinates of the the vertices of triangles making up void edges

voids_normnumpy.ndarray shape (N,3)

the xyz coordinates of each triangle’s unit normal vector

voids_idnumpy.ndarray shape (N,)

the void ID of each triangle

gal_viznumpy.ndarray shape (N,)

the void ID of each galaxy

gal_oppnumpy.ndarray shape (N,)

the void ID of each galaxy’s nearest neighbor


vast.vsquared.viz.VoidRender.__init__(self, voids_tri_x=None, voids_tri_y=None, voids_tri_z=None, voids_norm=None, voids_id=None, galaxy_xyz=None, galaxy_display_radius=2.0, gal_viz=None, gal_opp=None, canvas_size=(800, 600), title='V2 Results', camera_start_location=None, camera_start_orientation=None, start_translation_sensitivity=1.0, start_rotation_sensitivity=1.0, galaxy_color=array([1., 0., 0., 1.], dtype=float32), void_color=array([0., 0., 1., 0.95], dtype=float32))

Main class for initializing the visualization.

voids_tri_x, _y, _znumpy.ndarrays shape (N,3)

the xyz coordinates of the the vertices of triangles making up void edges

voids_normnumpy.ndarray shape (N,3)

the xyz coordinates of each triangle’s unit normal vector

voids_idnumpy.ndarray shape (N,)

the void ID of each triangle

galaxy_xyz(N,3) numpy.ndarray

xyz coordinates of the galaxy locations


using a constant radius to display galaxy points since they should all be small compared to the void holes, and they don’t have corresponding radii

gal_viznumpy.ndarray shape (N,)

the void ID of each galaxy

gal_oppnumpy.ndarray shape (N,)

the void ID of each galaxy’s nearest neighbor


(width, height) in pixels for the output visualization


value to display at top of the window

camera_start_locationndarray of shape (3,) dtype float32

starting location for the camera. Remember to multiply by -1.0 to go from data coordinates to camera coordinates example: np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32)

camera_start_orientationndarray of shape (3,3) dtype float32

rotation matrix describing initial camera orientation example: np.eye(3, dtype=np.float32)


starting sensitivity for translation keys - wasdrf


starting sensitivity for rotation keys - qeijkl

galaxy_colorndarray shape (4,) dtype float32

values from 0.0-1.0 representing RGB and Alpha for the galaxy points

void_colorndarray shape (4,) or (num_void,4) dtype float32

values from 0.0-1.0 representing RGB and Alpha for the voids


Controls: w - translate forward s - translate backward a - translate left d - translate right r - elevate up f - elevate down

q - roll left e - roll right i - pitch up k - pitch down j - yaw left k - yaw right

z - increase translation sensitivity x - decrease translation sensitivity

m - start/stop video recording NOTE: MAY TAKE A LOT OF RAM 0 - screenshot

Left mouse click - pitch & yaw Right mouse click - translate forward & backward Mouse Wheel - increase & decrease galaxy size


from vast.vsquared.viz import VoidRender, load_void_data, load_galaxy_data

voids_tri_x, voids_tri_y, voids_tri_z, voids_norm, voids_id, gal_viz, gal_opp = load_void_data(“DR7_triangles.dat”, “DR7_galviz.dat”)

galaxy_data = load_galaxy_data(“vollim_dr7_cbp_102709.fits”)

viz = VoidFinderCanvas(voids_tri_x, voids_tri_y, voids_tri_z,

voids_norm, voids_id, galaxy_data, gal_viz, gal_opp, canvas_size=(1600,1200))
