Source code for vast.vsquared.viz.load_results

"""Load and print void and galaxy data.

import numpy
import h5py
from astropy.table import Table
from import fits
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM

# Constants
c = 3e5
DtoR = numpy.pi/180.
RtoD = 180./numpy.pi
#distance_metric = 'comoving'
distance_metric = 'comoving'
Omega_M = 0.3
h = 1.0
Kos = FlatLambdaCDM(h*100.,Omega_M)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    infilename1 = "../data/DR7_triangles.dat"
    infilename2 = "../data/vollim_dr7_cbp_102709.fits"
    # load hole locations
    # keys are 'x' 'y' 'z' 'radius' 'flag'
    voids_data =, format='ascii.commented_header')
    # Load galaxy data and convert coordinates to xyz
#    galaxy_data =, format='ascii.commented_header')
#    if distance_metric == 'comoving':
#        r_gal = galaxy_data['Rgal']
#    else:
#        r_gal = c*galaxy_data['redshift']/(100*h)
#    xin = r_gal*numpy.cos(galaxy_data['ra']*DtoR)*numpy.cos(galaxy_data['dec']*DtoR)
#    yin = r_gal*numpy.sin(galaxy_data['ra']*DtoR)*numpy.cos(galaxy_data['dec']*DtoR)
#    zin = r_gal*numpy.sin(galaxy_data['dec']*DtoR)
#    xyz_galaxy_data = Table([xin, yin, zin], names=('x','y','z'))

[docs]def load_void_data(infilename1, infilename2): ''' Load voids as formatted for Vsquared Parameters ========== infilename1 : string path to desired _triangles.dat data file infilename2 : string path to desired _galviz.dat data file Returns ======= voids_tri_x, _y, _z : numpy.ndarrays shape (N,3) the xyz coordinates of the the vertices of triangles making up void edges voids_norm : numpy.ndarray shape (N,3) the xyz coordinates of each triangle's unit normal vector voids_id : numpy.ndarray shape (N,) the void ID of each triangle gal_viz : numpy.ndarray shape (N,) the void ID of each galaxy gal_opp : numpy.ndarray shape (N,) the void ID of each galaxy's nearest neighbor ''' voids_data =, format='ascii.commented_header') gv_data =, format='ascii.commented_header') num_rows = len(voids_data) # each element of voids_tri_x is the x-components of the three vertices of a triangle on a void surface; # similarly for voids_tri_y and voids_tri_z voids_tri_x = numpy.empty((num_rows, 3), dtype=numpy.float32) voids_tri_y = numpy.empty((num_rows, 3), dtype=numpy.float32) voids_tri_z = numpy.empty((num_rows, 3), dtype=numpy.float32) # each element of voids_norm is the unit vector normal to the surface of a triangle on a void surface voids_norm = numpy.empty((num_rows, 3), dtype=numpy.float32) # each element of voids_id is the ID of the void whose surface a triangle belongs to voids_id = numpy.empty(num_rows, dtype=numpy.int32) voids_tri_x[:,0] = voids_data['p1_x'] voids_tri_x[:,1] = voids_data['p2_x'] voids_tri_x[:,2] = voids_data['p3_x'] voids_tri_y[:,0] = voids_data['p1_y'] voids_tri_y[:,1] = voids_data['p2_y'] voids_tri_y[:,2] = voids_data['p3_y'] voids_tri_z[:,0] = voids_data['p1_z'] voids_tri_z[:,1] = voids_data['p2_z'] voids_tri_z[:,2] = voids_data['p3_z'] voids_norm[:,0] = voids_data['n_x'] voids_norm[:,1] = voids_data['n_y'] voids_norm[:,2] = voids_data['n_z'] voids_id[:] = voids_data["void_id"] # gal_viz contains the void ID of each galaxy gal_viz = gv_data['g2v'] # gal_opp contains the void IDs of each galaxy's neighbors gal_opp = gv_data['g2v2'] return voids_tri_x, voids_tri_y, voids_tri_z, voids_norm, voids_id, gal_viz, gal_opp
[docs]def load_galaxy_data(infilename): """ Load a table of galaxies for use in VoidRender Parameters ========== infilename : string path to desired data file intended to be a fits table with columns 'ra', 'dec', and 'z' Returns ======= galaxy_data_xyz : numpy.ndarray shape (N,3) xyz coordinates of galaxies from the data table """ galaxy_data =[1].data ''' if distance_metric == 'comoving' and 'Rgal' not in galaxy_data.columns: r_gal = z_to_comoving_dist(galaxy_data['redshift'].data.astype(numpy.float32), Omega_M, h) elif distance_metric == 'comoving': r_gal = galaxy_data['Rgal'] ''' if distance_metric == 'comoving': r_gal = Kos.comoving_distance(galaxy_data['z'].astype(numpy.float32)) else: r_gal = c*galaxy_data['z']/(100*h) xin = r_gal*numpy.cos(galaxy_data['ra']*DtoR)*numpy.cos(galaxy_data['dec']*DtoR) yin = r_gal*numpy.sin(galaxy_data['ra']*DtoR)*numpy.cos(galaxy_data['dec']*DtoR) zin = r_gal*numpy.sin(galaxy_data['dec']*DtoR) #xyz_galaxy_table = Table([xin, yin, zin], names=('x','y','z')) num_rows = len(galaxy_data['z']) galaxy_data_xyz = numpy.empty((num_rows, 3), dtype=numpy.float64) galaxy_data_xyz[:,0] = xin galaxy_data_xyz[:,1] = yin galaxy_data_xyz[:,2] = zin return galaxy_data_xyz