Source code for vast.vsquared.util

import numpy as np
from import Iterable
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM, z_at_value
from scipy import interpolate

c    = 3e5
D2R  = np.pi/180.

[docs]def toCoord(z,ra,dec,H0,Om_m): """Convert redshift, RA, and Dec to comoving coordinates. Parameters ---------- z : list or ndarray Object redshift. ra : list or ndarray Object right ascension, in decimal degrees. dec : list or ndarray Object declination, in decimal degrees. H0 : float Hubble's constant in km/s/Mpc. Om_m : float Value of matter density. Returns ------- cs : list Comoving xyz-coordinates, assuming input cosmology. """ Kos = FlatLambdaCDM(H0,Om_m) r = Kos.comoving_distance(z) r = np.array([d.value for d in r]) #r = c*z/H0 c1 = r*np.cos(ra*D2R)*np.cos(dec*D2R) c2 = r*np.sin(ra*D2R)*np.cos(dec*D2R) c3 = r*np.sin(dec*D2R) return c1,c2,c3
[docs]def toSky(cs,H0,Om_m,zstep): """Convert redshift, RA, and Dec to comoving coordinates. Parameters ---------- cs : ndarray Comoving xyz-coordinates table [x,y,z], assuming input cosmology. H0 : float Hubble's constant in km/s/Mpc. Om_m : float Value of matter density. zstep : float Redshift step size for converting distance to redshift. Returns ------- z : float Object redshift. ra : float Object right ascension, in decimal degrees. dec : float Object declination, in decimal degrees. """ Kos = FlatLambdaCDM(H0,Om_m) c1 = cs.T[0] c2 = cs.T[1] c3 = cs.T[2] r = np.sqrt(c1**2.+c2**2.+c3**2.) dec = np.arcsin(c3/r)/D2R ra = (np.arccos(c1/np.sqrt(c1**2.+c2**2.))*np.sign(c2)/D2R)%360 zmn = z_at_value(Kos.comoving_distance, np.amin(r)*u.Mpc, method='bounded') zmx = z_at_value(Kos.comoving_distance, np.amax(r)*u.Mpc, method='bounded') zmn = zmn-(zstep+zmn%zstep) zmx = zmx+(2*zstep-zmx%zstep) ct = np.array([np.linspace(zmn,zmx,int(np.ceil(zmn/zstep))),Kos.comoving_distance(np.linspace(zmn,zmx,int(np.ceil(zmn/zstep)))).value]).T r2z = interpolate.pchip(*ct[:,::-1].T) z = r2z(r) #z = H0*r/c return z,ra,dec
[docs]def inSphere(cs, r, coords): """ Checks if a set of comoving coordinates are within a sphere. Parameters ========== cs : list or ndarray Center of sphere. r : float Sphere volume. coords : list or ndarray Comoving xyz-coordinates. Returns ======= inSphere : bool True if abs(coords - cs) < r. """ return np.sum((cs.reshape(3,1) - coords.T)**2., axis=0)<r**2.
[docs]def getBuff(cin,idsin,cmin,cmax,buff,n): """Identify tracers contained in buffer shell around periodic boundary. Parameters ---------- cin : ndarray Array of tracer positions. idsin : ndarray Array of tracer IDs. cmin : ndarray Array of coordinate minima. cmax : ndarray Array of coordinate maxima. buff : float Width of buffer shell. n : int Number of buffer shell. Returns ------- cout : list List of buffer tracer positions. idsout : ndarray Array of tracer IDs in the original periodic box. """ cout = [] idsout = idsin.tolist() for i in range(3): for j in range(3): for k in range(3): if i==1 and j==1 and k==1: continue c2 = cin+(np.array([i,j,k])-1)*(cmax-cmin) c2d = np.amax(np.abs(c2-(cmax+cmin)/2.)-(cmax-cmin)/2.,axis=1) cut = c2d<buff*(n+1) cut[c2d<=buff*n] = False cout.extend(c2[cut].tolist()) idsout.extend(idsin[:len(cin)][cut].tolist()) return cout,np.array(idsout)
[docs]def wCen(vols,coords): """Find the weighted center of tracers' Voronoi cells. Parameters ---------- vols : ndarray Array of Voronoi volumes. coords : ndarray Array of cells' positions. Returns ------- wCen : ndarray Weighted center of tracers' Voronoi cells. """ return np.sum(vols.reshape(len(vols),1)*coords,axis=0)/np.sum(vols)
[docs]def getSMA(vrad,coords): """Convert tracers and void effective radius to ellipsoid semi-major axes. Parameters ---------- vrad : ndarray List of void radii. coords : ndarray Array of void coordinates. Returns ------- sma : ndarray Ellipsoid semi-major axes for voids. """ iTen = np.zeros((3,3)) for p in coords: iTen = iTen + np.array([[p[1]**2.+p[2]**2.,0,0],[0,p[0]**2.+p[2]**2.,0],[0,0,p[0]**2.+p[1]**2.]]) iTen = iTen - np.array([[0,p[0]*p[1],p[0]*p[2]],[p[0]*p[1],0,p[1]*p[2]],[p[0]*p[2],p[1]*p[2],0]]) eival,eivec = np.linalg.eig(iTen) eival = eival**.25 rfac = vrad/(np.product(eival)**(1./3)) eival = eival*rfac return eival.reshape(3,1)*eivec.T
[docs]def P(r): """Calculate probability that void is fake. Parameters ---------- r : float or ndarray Void radius or radii. Returns ------- prob : float or ndarray Probability that void is fake. """ return np.exp(-5.12*(r-1.) - 0.28*((r-1.)**2.8))
[docs]def flatten(l): """Recursively flattens a list. Parameters ---------- l : list List to be flattened Returns ------- """ for el in l: if isinstance(el, Iterable) and not isinstance(el,(str,bytes)): yield from flatten(el) else: yield el